The Nationwide Multistate Licensing System ("NMLS" or the "System") is the system of record for non-depository, financial services licensing or registration in participating state agencies, including the District of Columbia and U.S. Territories of Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and Guam. In these jurisdictions, NMLS is the official system for companies and individuals seeking to apply for, amend, renew and surrender license authorities managed through NMLS by 67​ state or territorial governmental agencies. NMLS itself does not grant or deny license authority.​​

Fifty-nine state agencies use NMLS for mortgage licensing, while 56 use the system to manage licensing for other nonbank entities (e.g., money services businesses, consumer finance and debt).

​​NMLS is also the system of record for the registration of depositories, subsidiaries of depositories, and mortgage loan originators (MLOs) under the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Regulation G (SAFE​ Mortgage Licensing Act – Federal Registration of Residential Mortgage Loan Originators), published December 19, 2011.

In 2006, the Conference of State Bank Supervisors (CSBS), on behalf of state regulators and in cooperation with the American Association of Residential Mortgage Regulators (AARMR)1, formed the State Regulatory Registry LLC (SRR), a limited liability corporation, to oversee the development and operations of NMLS as a licensing and registration system for the non-depository financial services industries. NMLS operations began in January 2008.

System Goals​

The goal of NMLS is to employ the benefits of local, state-based financial services regulation on a nationwide platform that provides for improved coordination and information sharing among regulators, increased efficiencies for industry, and enhanced consumer protection.

System Governance

SRR is governed by a​ seven-voting member Board of Managers comprised of state banking commissioners and/or state mortgage regulators, including a representative nominated by AARMR. The SRR Board of Managers is responsible for all system development, operations, and policy matters concerning NMLS. 

NMLS policies are made with the input of all NMLS participating state agencies through a series of working groups, committees and boards that seeks to ensure thoughtful considerations of all viewpoints. ​

To assist it in making decisions and handling operational matters, the SRR Board of Managers created the NMLS Policy Committee (formerly the Mortgage Licensing Policy Committee), which is comprised of 11 state financial services regulators. The NMLS Policy Committee​​​ provides SRR a mechanism to make policy decisions for NMLS with regards to its impact on meeting state licensing regulations. Decisions are made after considering input from NMLS Participating State Agencies, licensees and industry.

The NMLS Policy Committee addresses the following types of issues:

  • Regulatory policies that govern the NMLS Program
  • System policies that govern the use of NMLS
  • Suppression requests concerning NMLS Consumer Access
  • B2B Subscriptions 
  • Regulator and Public Comment Periods related to NMLS and the State Examination System (SES) 

In order for SRR to carry out the mortgage loan originator testing and education requirements mandated under the federal SAFE Act, the SRR Board of Managers created the Mortgage Testing and Education Board (MTEB). The MTEB is comprised of nine state regulators representing each of the five CSBS districts and at least one AARMR representative.  It has administrative responsibility regarding test security issues which apply to the administration of the SAFE MLO Test. It also serves in an advisory role by providing guidance and recommendations to t​he SRR Board of Managers and staff about issues affecting the implementation and operations of SAFE Act testing and education requirements. The roster of the MTEB can be found here.

​Additionally, the SRR Board of Managers created various taskforces, working groups and boards of state regulators, as well as advisory groups of industry representatives to provide input into the decision making process. ​​


1 AARMR is the national organization representing state residential mortgage regulators. AARMR's mission is to promote the exchange of information between and among the executives and employees of the various states who are charged with responsibility for the administration and regulation of residential mortgage lending, servicing and brokering.​